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Hospital to Home: 6 tips for managing life with a trach vent baby

Homecoming Day: If you are a parent of a medically complex kiddo - specifically of a kiddo with a trach and vent and you are getting ready to bring your little one home from the hospital for the first time, this post is for you! First, let me say, if you are showing up every day, you are doing and AMAZING job. I may not know you or your story, but I know if you're showing up everyday, you are doing enough. You are enough. You should also know that the day you bring your little one home is going to be a circus of emotion. Joy, relief, excitement, anxiety, fear, frustration, unmet expectations - are all normal to feel. Let yourself feel all of them. You should also prepare yourself for chaos. The day you bring your sweet one home will feel like a whirlwind. Here are a few quick tips for homecoming day: 1. Get to the hospital earlier than you are told, because everything always takes longer than you think. 2. Be prepared for a ton of instructions on medications, feeding etc.

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